Top 70 Best English Paragraphs

01. A visit to the village fair

I visited the village fair at Attanagalla last Sunday morning with my mother. There were many vendors and customers. Mother bought some vegetables, dry fish and fruit. She bought me an ice cream, too. I met my class teacher also at the fair. I felt very tired after walking around the fair. I like to visit the village fair very much.

02. If I were a bird

If I were a bird, I would roam the country. I would make friends with other birds and fly over the clouds and mountains. I would enjoy the sweetest fruits in the country. I would make a beautiful nest near a tank. I would sing beautiful songs to little children. I would enjoy my life as a bird.

03. If I were the head prefect of my school

If I were the head prefect of my school, I would do my duties honestly. I would be a role model for other prefects. I would not use my position to bully my fellow students. I would be loyal to the staff and the principal. I would do everything possible to protect the good name of my school.

04. If I won a lottery

If I won a lottery, first of all, I would help my family. I would help my brother and sister to learn well. I would not waste the money. I would save a part of the money for my future education. I would also help my friends. I would donate books to village schools. I would enjoy my life with my whole family.

05. The College English Day

The College English Day was held on the 14th of March. It was organized by the English Association of our school. The chief guest was the Director of Education. The programme started with the welcome speech. It was delivered by the president of the English Association. There were many beautiful items like songs, recitations, short dramas etc. We all enjoyed the day very much.

06. The Value of Friendship

The value of friendship cannot be explained in a few words. A friendship is a strong bond between two living beings. We cannot live without friends. Life is dull without a good friendship. We can share our problems with our friends. It helps us lead a happy and stress-free life. Friends help us when we are in trouble. A friendship is a tower of strength for a successful life.

07. Books are our friends

Books are a part of our life. They help us in many ways. Books are the main source of knowledge. When we read a good book, we never feel like time. Books help us see the world. Like our human friends, books also help us find solutions for most of our problems. They make us strong and help us face the challenges of life.

08. The Internet

The internet is a source of information. It is an essential part of modern society. It is very easy to use. It has no weight. We can find any information in one click. It makes our day-to-day work easy and fast. The internet has made the world one village. It has many disadvantages, too. Some people use the internet to spread false information.

09. Newspapers

Newspapers are the most popular source of information in the world. They are closer to people than books. A newspaper has something for everyone of the family. They bring news from around the world to us. A newspaper is like a small library. We can learn what is happening in the world and the society from newspapers. They are very powerful and can change the public opinion in a short time.

10. My ambition (1)

Everyone has an ambition in life. That is the goal in one’s life. I also have an ambition. My ambition is to be a teacher of English. I wish to work in a village school. Then I can help those children win their life. Teaching is a noble profession. I always work hard to realize my dream.

11. My ambition (2)

My ambition is to be a writer. I wish to be a writer and become a famous person. Then I can share my knowledge and experience with others. My desire is to be an English novelist. Then I can win awards for my country. I can serve the society by becoming a writer. I always work hard to achieve my targets.

12. How I spend my leisure

Leisure means one’s free time. I do many activities during my leisure. I usually read books in my leisure. I read both Sinhala and English books. I also work in my garden. It helps me lead a healthy life. I play with my friends, too. I play cricket with them. I help mother keep our house neat and beautiful. I always try to spend my leisure in a useful way.

13. The person I like most

The person I like most is my class teacher. Her name is Mrs. Damayanthi. She is in her mid-40s. She wears her hair in a bun. She teaches us English. She is punctual to class. She comes to class early in the morning. She always guides un on the correct path. She encourages us to learn well and serve the society. I like her because she is very kind to everyone.

14. My favorite pastime (1)

My favorite pastime is reading books. I read books in my free time. It is a very useful pastime. I read both Sinhala and English books. I mostly like to read English adventure stories. Reading makes me a resourceful person. It helps my school work. Reading improves my knowledge. I like my pastime because it makes me a full man.

15. My favorite pastime (2)

My favorite pastime is gardening. Gardening is a useful way to spend our free time. I water the plants, weed the garden and mow the grass. I feel very happy to see the flowers in my garden. I don’t have to go to the gym, too. My parents and sister also help me. I like gardening because it helps me lead a happy and healthy life.

16. The animal I like most

The animal I like most is dog. Dogs are known as man’s best friend. Dogs are very faithful to man. It is an intelligent animal, too. There are different species of dogs. Dogs help man in different ways. Some dogs help man catch thieves and criminals. Dogs guards our houses. I like dogs because they stay with us through thick and thin.

17. My most favourite animal

My most favourite animal is cat. Cats are very cute animals. There are cats of different colour and size. Man, and cat have had a long relationship. Cats are clever hunters. They keep mice away from our houses. It is easy to keep cats. They do not need much attention. I like cats because they are lovely creatures.

18. The joy of travelling

Travelling is always fun. It brings about a change in life. Travelling is the best way to break the monotony of life. A person who does not travel is like a frog in the well. Travelling is an aged old pastime. It is also an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature. The joy of travelling leaves unforgettable memories for life.

19. How I spent my last weekend

On Saturday morning, I got up at 6 a.m. Then I did my school homework till 8 a.m. After that I had breakfast and attended my English class. I returned home at 2 p.m. I helped mother in the evening. On Sunday, I visited my grandmother in the morning. I watched a film with my brother in the evening. I went to bed early on Sunday.

20. My favourite sport

My sport is cricket. Cricket is a team sport. Cricket originated in England. There are two teams in a game. A team has eleven players. There are two umpires to judge a match. Players use a bat and a ball to play the game. There are two types of matches. They are one day matches and test matches. I like cricket because it is a beautiful game.

21. An unforgettable trip

I went on a trip to Nuwara Eliya last month. It was my first trip to Nuwara Eliya. It was an unforgettable journey in my life. I saw beautiful flowers along the road. The cold climate and the mist covered mountains made me feel like in England. Sometimes we could not see each other because of the mist. It was an unforgettable experience for me. I went on a boat ride in the Lake Gregory, too. It was an unforgettable trip in my life.

22. A Shramadana campaign

A Shramadana campaign was held in our school last Monday. It was organized by the Prefects’ Guild. The purpose of the Shramadana was to clean up the school premises to protect children from dengue. The students from grade 9 to 13 participated in the campaign. The teachers treated the participants with a cup of tea. It ended up successfully at 12.30 p.m.

23. A visit to a botanical garden

I visited the Peradeniya Botanical Garden last Sunday. It was a family trip. It was my first visit. I saw many beautiful flowers like orchids, roses, lilies etc. I liked the memorial trees most. There were large trees planted by famous people to mark their visit to Sri Lanka. The cactus garden was another attractive place there. There was a large playground in the center of the garden. We played there till evening.

24. Water is an important resource

Water is a gift of mother nature. No living being can live without water. Water is essential for living. We need water for drinking, washing, cooking, bathing etc. We get water mainly from rain. We need water for agriculture and many other industries. However, some people pollute water sources like rivers, springs, streams etc. We need to protect our water sources for our survival.

25. A place of historical importance in Sri Lanka (1)

Sigiriya is a beautiful place of historical importance in Sri Lanka. It is a world heritage site. It was built by King Kashyapa to protect himself from his enemy brother. Sigiriya means ‘the lion’s rock. It is a rock fortress. The wall paintings of Sigiriya are world famous. Sigiriya bears witness to our ancient grandeur.

26. A place of historical importance in Sri Lanka (2)

The Dalada Maligawa in Kandy is a place of historical importance in Sri Lanka. It is the most sacred place of religious worship among the Buddhists. The Sacred tooth relic of the Gautama Buddha is enshrined here. Thousands of Buddhists visit the Dalada Maligawa every day. It is a world heritage site, too.

27. A visit to a place of historical importance (1)

I visited Sigiriya last month with my parents. It was a beautiful place. There was a moat around the rock fortress. The royal garden was complete with flowering trees, ponds and spouts. Half way up the rock I could see the mirror wall and the wall paintings. I climbed up the rock. It was a breath- taking sight. I like to visit Sigiriya again.

28. A visit to a place of historical importance (2)

I visited Anuradhapura last month. It was a family trip. First, we visited the sacred Jayasri Maha Bodhi. Then we visited the Ruwanweliseya. We offered flowers and worshipped. There were many visitors. After that, we visited the other sacred places scattered in the area. My father explained me the importance of these places.

29. A place of natural beauty in Sri Lanka (1)

There are many beautiful places in Sri Lanka. Trincomalee is one among them. It is situated in the Eastern Province. It is a harbor city. The beaches like the Nilaweli Beach, the Marble Beach and the Town Beach add beauty to Trinco. The hot-water springs are tourist attractions in Trinco. There are many places of historical importance in Trinco.

30. A place of natural beauty in Sri Lanka (2)

Nuwara Eliya is a place of natural beauty in Sri Lanka. There is a cool climate in Nuwara Eliya. The mountains covered with tea estates add beauty to Nuwara Eliya. Nuwara Eliya is famous for flowers. One could see flowers along the road and in home gardens. There is frequent mist, too. Nuwara is a popular tourist destination in Sri Lanka.

31. My last school vacation

The vacation started on the 1st of August. I had a lot of fun during the vacation. I visited my grandparents in Anuradhapura. I stayed there about one week. Then, I watched cartoons and films, too. I also played with my friends. I helped my parents in their work. However, I did not forget my school homework. I enjoyed my vacation very much.

32. A famous city in Sri Lanka

Kandy is a famous city in Sri Lanka. It is situated in the central province. It is an ancient city. It was the last kingdom of Sri Lanka. The historic Dalada Maligawa is situated in Kandy. The Bogambara Wewa adds beauty to Kandy. It is a bustling city surrounded by mountains. The famous Peradeniya Botanical Garden is situated in close proximity to Kandy.

33. The value of time

Time is a free force. It never stops. Time and age go hand in hand. It does not wait for anyone. Therefore, time is very valuable for everyone. Lost time is worse than lost money. We should not postpone our work. We should plan our work and make best use of time. If we manage our time, we can succeed in our life.

34. How can we make best use of our time?

Time is a precious thing. Nobody can stop time. However, we can manage how time is used. This is known as time management. We can plan our work and work the plan. It helps us save our time and make best use of it. We also should not postpone what we have to do today. We should make a list of priorities and do them in order. It helps us make best use of our time.

35. An interesting person I know

My grandfather is an interesting person. He is a retired teacher. He sings with us in his free time. He sings old numbers. He also plays cards with us. He is quite good at it. My grandfather has a sense of humor. He tells us funny things and makes us laugh. He never gets angry. He tells us stories and sometimes acts out those characters. He is an interesting person.

36. Early bird catches the worm

‘Early bird catches the worm’ is a saying that tells us the value of working in time. If we can start our work early, we can reap many benefits. Then we have time to complete any task with less mistakes. We also have time to look back and identify our mistakes. It gives us an opportunity to plan the work. On the other hand, those who are late make many mistakes as they are in a hurry. They never succeed in their work.

37. Television as a source of information

The television is an important source of information. In the modern society, people get information mainly from television. We get information on what is happening around the world within a few seconds. As it is an audio- visual media, it is closer to people. Television is a source of knowledge, too. It brings the world to our doorstep. In a global pandemic situation like the one we are facing today television plays an important role.

38. My hometown

My hometown is Attanagalla. It is situated in the Gampaha district. It is a calm and quiet village. Attanagalla Rajamaha Vihara is a famous place in the country. My hometown has about 500 families. There are both Sinhala and Muslim people. Attanagalla is rich in natural beauty. There are paddy fields, mountains, waterfalls etc. The Attanagalu Oya flows across the village. My hometown is a lovely place.

39. My favourite book (1)

My favourite book is Madol Doowa. It is a children’s novel written by Martin Wickramasinghe. The story centers round two small boys. They are Upali and Jinna. Upali’s mother is dead. He lives with his father and stepmother. Jinna is a poor boy. They are very playful children. They like adventure. I like this story because it is about village children. I never feel boring to read Madol Doowa.

40. My favourite book (2)

There are many books I like. Among them Oliver Twist is my most favourite book. It is an English novel written by the famous writer Charles Dickens. The story is about a small parentless boy called Oliver. He grows up in a workhouse (a children’s home). Later he runs away to London. Oliver faces many challenges. Finally, he wins his life. I like Oliver Twist because it carries me to a strange world.

41. My pet

My pet is a dog. Its name is Rexy. It is a cute Alsatian dog. Rexy is about 2 years old. It is black and has a white spot on its belly. It loves to drink milk and eat rice mixed with fish. It likes to sleep under my bed. Rexy plays with me in the garden. It barks at strangers. I brush it every day. It is a very faithful dog. I love my pet very much.

42. My plans after the OL exam

I have many plans after the OL exam. First of all, I hope to spend about two weeks at my uncle’s home in Anuradhapura. After that, I hope to follow an English course as I feel it will help my future. I also have planned to attend a leadership training camp. It will help me build up my personality. I hope to obtain the membership of the public library, too.

43. The dream of my life

The dream of my life is to be a teacher. I wish to be a teacher of English. I like to teach English. I like to help poor children in a village school. Then I can teach them English to win their life. I read a lot of English books and improve my knowledge. I work hard to realize my dream.

44. A dream I saw

It was a beautiful sunny day. I found myself in a beautiful garden. There were butterflies and flowers all around. There were birds chirping sweet songs. There were rabbits running about. There was a pond with silver fish. I had never seen them before. There were apple trees laden with fruit. I jumped up to pick one. Suddenly, I slipped and fell down. I opened my eyes and found that I had fallen off my bed. It was only a dream.

45. My favourite neighbour

My most favorite neighbour is Mr. Jayathissa. He is a retired engineer. He is married and has two children. He is a friendly person. He has a thin moustache and wears glasses. He is a pleasant person. He visits our home when he is free. He loves gardening very much. I like him because he is a very humble gentleman.

46. A favourite character I have ever read in a book (1)

Upali in Madol Doowa is the most favourite character I have ever read in a book. He is a motherless child who lives with his stepmother and father. He has a stepbrother, too. He is a playful boy who likes adventure. He is not the type of child who glues his eyes on books and attends school regularly. Upali’s best friend is Jinna. I like the character of Upali because he has many leadership qualities.

47. A favourite character I have ever read in a book (2)

Tom is the main character or the protagonist of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain. It is my most favourite character. Tom is a mischievous child who lives with his aunt. He often falls in trouble but he easily gets out of them. He is a very active child. I like Tom because he is a very energetic young boy.

48. A visit to an exhibition

I visited the Upcycling exhibition held recently at Bandaranayake College, Gampaha. I went there with my best friend. There were many creative exhibits. There were glass pen-holders, musical instruments, different vehicles etc. created out of junk. I liked most a wall hanger made out of ballpoint pens. I could learn what we can do with our waste.

49. My favourite subject

My favourite subject is English. It is the most widely spoken language in the world. I read a lot of English books to improve my knowledge of English. I also listen to English songs and watch English movies. I talk with my parents in English. It is easy to learn English. I have the highest marks for English every term. English is a window to see the world.

50. How I help my parents

I help my parents whenever I am free. It gives me pleasure and adds experience to my life. They teach me a lot of things. I help my mother in the kitchen. I help her chop vegetables, wash cups and saucers and keep the kitchen neat and clean. I help father in the garden. I help him mow the grass, weed the garden and arrange the flower pots. I enjoy helping my parents.

51. My favourite food

My favourite food is boiled jak. It is easy to prepare. It is rich in carbohydrate. It is a nutritious food. I like to eat boiled jak with kochchi sambal. It also goes well with coconut gravy. It is a favorite food among villagers. I usually eat boiled jak for lunch. I like boiled jak because it is delicious.

52. The television programme I like most

The television programme I like most is Atapattama. It is a TV magazine. It comes to our home every Wednesday at 7.30 p.m. It is presented by the popular TV presenter Hasantha Hettiarachchi. We can learn about our country and the world from this programme. It is an educational programme suitable for people of all age groups. I like this programme most because there is both fun and entertainment.

53. An unforgettable day in my life

The first day in my school was the most unforgettable day in my life. Mother woke up me early in the morning. Then she dressed me in my new uniform. I had new shoes, a new bag, new books etc. Everything I had was new. My new school was Hiripitiya Primary College. Our class teacher welcomed me with a hug. I still remember it as if it were today.

54. The country I like to visit most

The country I like to visit most is Japan. It is a Buddhist country. Japan is a chain of islands. The people of Japan are called the Japanese. Their first language is Japanese. The capital of Japan is called Tokyo. The Japanese are very industrious. Japan is famous for manufacturing cars. Mount Fuji is a famous place in Japan. I like Japan because the Japanese are very hospitable.

55. Health is wealth

Health is wealth is an old saying. It tells us the value of staying healthy. When we are healthy, we can work hard. We can concentrate on our work. They say ‘a healthy body has a healthy mind’. If we can work hard, we can learn well and do well in life. We do not have to spend money on medicine. We can earn money and become wealthy.

56. The value of taking healthy food

Healthy food keeps us free from all kinds of diseases. Green leaves, fruits, vegetables, cereals etc. are healthy food. We should avoid junk or fast food. They make us ill. Healthy food helps us enjoy long life. Healthy food increases our immunity. It is the best medicine for most of the illnesses.

57. The hero in my life

The hero in my life is my father. He is a very kind and helpful person. He works hard to support our family. He buys us food, clothes and medicine. He helps us learn well. He always guides us on the correct path. Father protects us from all kinds of evils in the society. He never leaves us in trouble. So, the hero in my life is my father. I love and respect him.

58. My school

My school is Gemunu Vidyalaya. It is situated at Rathgama. It is a mixed school. The principal of my school is Mr. Sajendra Kumara. My school has classes from grade 1 to 13. It has a staff of around 100 teachers. My school has about 2000 students. My school has many facilities. My school is famous for cricket. I like my school very much.

59. The person who inspired me most

The person who inspired me most is Mahathma Gandhi. He was born in India. He struggled for freedom in India. He did not encourage his people to take up arms. He engaged in non-violent protest campaigns. He told Indians to work hard and make India self-sufficient. He himself practiced what he told his people. I like him because he was a true leader.

60. Good health habits

There are many good health habits. Good health habits keep us healthy and wealthy. Washing hands, eating a balanced diet, regular exercises etc. are a few good health habits. Good health habits protect us from all kinds of diseases like COVID-19 and non-communicable dieses like diabetes and cancer. They lead us to enjoy long life.

61. My favourite festival

My favorite festival is The Sinhala and Hindu New Year. It is a cultural festival. It is usually celebrated on the 13th or the 14th of April. People celebrate the movement of the sun from Aries to Pisces on this day. People clean their houses, buy new clothes, and make traditional sweetmeats. They visit their relations, and offer a sheaf of betel, and respect elders on New Year Day. I like the New Year festival because we all can enjoy.

62. How to prevent Covid-19

Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease. It is spread by the Covid-19 virus. It damages our respiratory system. Covid-19 virus spreads through droplets of saliva from an infected person. We can prevent coronavirus by mainly washing hands, using hand sanitizer, and wearing face masks. We also must avoid contact with crowds. By eating healthy foods, we can boost our immunity against Coronavirus.

63. Respecting elders is a great human quality

Elders have long served the society we live in today. They have contributed immensely to the progress of mankind. Elders are the architects of the modern society. So, the society has a responsibility to look after them. The society needs to be grateful to elders. Respecting elders is a human quality taught by all religions.

64. Why should we protect trees?

Trees are useful to all living beings. They give us life. No living being can live without trees. We get almost everything thanks to trees. All the food we eat, we get from trees. They bring us rain on time. Trees purify the air around us. Therefore, trees are also known as ‘the lungs of the planet’. Cutting down trees is equal to killing ourselves.

65. A friend in need is a friend indeed

A friend in need is a true friend. He or she is a friend indeed. They never leave us when we are in trouble. They stay behind us like a shadow. True friends stay with us both in our good and bad times. They guide us on the correct path. They are like our own brothers and sisters. We can share our problems with a true friend. A friend in need is a blessing in our life.

66. A self-introduction

I am Ranjith Gayendra. I am 11 years old. I live in Kadugannawa. I am in Grade 11. My parents are teachers. I have a brother and a sister. I am tall and thin. I have short curly hair. My best friend is Sanath. I like to play in my free time. My ambition is to be a doctor. I work hard to realize my dream.

67. The importance of a balanced diet

A balanced diet is important for a healthy life. A balanced diet contains all the nutrients our body needs. It gives us strength to work. When our body is weak, we cannot work well. As students, we should get a balanced diet for all the three meals. Then we can learn well. We don’t fall ill. We can go to school regularly. A balanced diet helps us enjoy a long life.

68. The importance of having breakfast

Breakfast is the main meal of the day. It’s also the first meal of the day. It kick-starts our brain. The brain controls our activities. So, we need a healthy brain for our work. People who skip breakfast cannot work well. They are lazy and inactive. So, we need a nutritious meal in the morning for a long and happy life.

69. A tourist destination in Sri Lanka

Nuwara Eliya is a beautiful and famous tourist destination in Sri Lanka. It is rich in natural beauty. There is a cold climate. The green tea estates, waterfalls, and flowers attract any visitor to Nuwara Eliya. There is frequent mist in Nuwara Eliya. People visit Nuwara Eliya to enjoy the beauty of the environment.

70. My Country: Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a small island situated in the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka is also known as the pearl of the Indian Ocean. Sri Lanka has a population of around 20 million. Sri Lanka is a multi-cultural country. Sri Lanka has a long and proud history. Sri Lanka is rich in natural beauty. There are mountains and evergreen forests. Sri Lanka is a paradise island.


  • Savannah
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